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Saturday 6 August 2011

*★ Graduation Day ★*

Graduating as UCWS in July Batch on Thursday July 28th was dream come true. My journey of becoming model from a commoner is like dream come true.

My dream to be CWS Model  started with determination to fulfill dream of my beloved sister Celina Langer. Today as I write to you all i feel she stand by my side giving me way and support. Also forever I owe my achievements to Anrol and Steve *CEO of CWS and to all my trainers who have always been there to guide me.
As a SL Model if you have creative mind, CWS has artistic brush to enhance them to create a master piece. July batch of CWS was amazing and everyone of us helped each other. 1 for all all for 1, guess can be associated with such a great batch. A Batch where Steph Lytham takes initiative to create separate group for all students** wow truly Ms Valedectorian. Batch where Elmo and Kate become life of class, Janda who is as sweet as sugar and Prof Reese master of invention and creation and of course I a dreamer who just know her aim to make her late sister proud.

And ofcourse its all what I learned here at UCWS is that i got awarded best blog awards. Oh My God :).

Celina used to say "When you know you can you will make it at last, all you have to do is believe in yourself". Also well done to the lovely Flora for winning the Celina Langer Award too. Another lovely surprise was the trainers doing an Indian theme dance in honour of Celina and my graduation, really touching, very touching.

So all you models remember to believe in yourself  and so you all new students will soon be honored to hold your graduation like I do today. :)

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